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Common Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Appearance plays a major role in inspiring the confidence of people in public settings. They can smile without any concerns and interact with others in an optimal way. 

But the same couldn’t be said for people with a discolored, misaligned, or fractured smile. These conditions restrict them from smiling in social situations due to the fear of embarrassment or dislike. 

Cosmetic dentists offer specialized dental solutions that deals with improving various aspects of a smile. There is a variety of solutions offered by enhancive care. 


Teeth discoloration is caused by many factors: dark-colored foods, genetics, and over-exposure to fluoride. The most basic treatment in cosmetic dentistry is teeth whitening. In this procedure, dentists will apply peroxide bleaching solutions using custom-made trays. This professional treatment can provide brightness up to several shades. 


These prosthetic caps can restore the shape and structure of a tooth. Dentists will take scans of surrounding teeth to prepare restorations in laboratories. They use bonding agents to cement crowns on top of a surface. Once fixed, dentists will utilize lights to cure prosthetic crowns. 


When a patient needs to improve the shape and color of the visible portion of a tooth, dentists will administer veneers. These restoration shells contain porcelain fused metal and ceramic materials. They can withstand everyday biting and chewing pressure for many years. In a procedure, some layers of enamel are removed to achieve the best fit. 


Dental implants are the most advanced teeth replacement option in cosmetic dentistry. It is a titanium device that can replace the entire root structure of a missing tooth. This device consists of three parts serving a vital function. Dental implants can last for several years with optimal maintenance and care. 


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