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Everything to Know About Invisalign Braces

Having straight teeth arrangement Is beneficial for multiple reasons. People will have ideal biting patterns and chewing ability. They can also smile in an appealing manner. But, this is not the case with everyone, as various risk factors caused their teeth to attain an obnoxious position that is bad for their oral health and facial aesthetics. Even though there are many conservative treatment options for straightening dentition, Invisalign braces are considered as the best option for adults and teens. Its soft outer texture prevents injuries to tissues and clear appearance prevents any unwanted attention.

A closer look

Malocclusion is caused by a variety of reasons, but some of the plausible explanations include childhood habits like prolonged bottle-feeding or mouth breathing. Any facial injuries might result in such problematic jaw growth. In such instances, dentists will suggest getting metal braces. These correctional devices consist of sharp wires and brackets capable of causing significant harm to oral tissues or gum. Aftercare of these devices is also a tedious experience since one cannot remove it even for eating or sleeping. As a result of technological developments in dentistry, patients now have access to Invisalign in Woodland Hills. It is custom fabricated for each patient using soft plastic materials. This apart from offering the perfect fit, makes it easier to remove them whenever desired.

Treatment phases

At first, patients must a clinical evaluation performed for measuring dimensions. During such examinations, dentists will utilize X-rays to determine the severity of their condition and measure the impact on their jawbone. Then, they take mold impressions and digital scans for fabrication processes.
On the next appointment, they fix these aligners to patients and provide them with an additional set. These are made slightly narrower than their teeth position, so it pressures dentition to move backward. Individuals must get a new set every two weeks until the complete treatment period. During this time, it is essential that they follow proper oral hygiene.

Practitioners would suggest aftercare guidance like keeping a tray clean by washing after every meal. Avoid any colored beverages or edible when wearing an aligner. They must avoid washing it with normal soap and get clear solutions from dispensaries.  Once the administrated treatment period is completed, people are provided with a retainer for avoiding dentition from reverting.

Advantages posed

The first and fundamental advantage of Invisalign braces is the ease of use. It takes multiple appointments to fix a traditional device and even more tedious care measures. Clear aligners, unlike other options, are easy to use.

It also offers better convenience, as individuals can remove them easily whenever needed. Through this feature, they can avoid any inconvenience during eating or sleeping. Its clear texture offers additional comfort as well.

Lastly, particularly for adults and teens, their appearance could get affected by metal braces. It gives them an obnoxious smile and reduces their self-confidence. Invisalign has clear textured finish, so it is barely noticeable. This is an appealing since it is impossible to notice these trays during the treatment period.


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